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PhDElectrical and Electronics Engineering

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PhD candidate position in the Development of shaped electromagnetic pulse generation systems for induction of a therapeutic effect

Open application for a doctoral candidate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The doctoral candidate position is available in the Electronics, Department of Electronic Systems faculty. Applicants interested in other research topics related to bioelectronics and applied pulsed power biomedical technologies are also welcome to apply.

Research topic description
High-intensity pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) can be used for contactless permeabilization of biological cell plasma membrane offering a high potential of applicability in drug delivery for the treatment of cancer. However, the phenomenon is poorly investigated and the exact mechanism of action is yet to be uncovered. Currently, there is an extreme lack of technological infrastructure to perform contactless PEMF-based permeabilization. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to develop a new high-power pulsed electromagnetic field system for contactless cell membrane permeabilization. The system will be based on arrays of SCR and IGBT switches for 8-12 kA pulse forming into predominantly inductive loads with predefined and programmable pulse parameters to generate up to 10 T magnetic fields. The new system will be designed for contactless treatment of 100–500 mm3 tumors in vivo and mL range volumes in vitro. The technological solutions for high dB/dt pulse forming will be proposed and implemented including transient process compensation circuits. The high-power applicators supporting the generation of magnetic fields up to 10 T will be developed and the structure will be optimized to ensure a homogeneous treatment in the described volume. Finally, the basic applied research of the developed technology to characterize the effectiveness of the new system compared to available generators will be performed. The research results and the new technology are expected to influence further development of the PEMF permeabilization field and create a technological basis for future in vivo and clinical applications.

The selected candidate will work on the PhD thesis under the supervision of professor Vitalij Novickij. The successful applicant will have to attend scientific conferences, meetings and internships at other universities.

• Required background: BEng, MSc Knowledge in Electronics and/or Electrical Engineering

It is a prerequisite for being present at and accessible to the institution daily.

For more information
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. The position may not be opened if no qualified candidate is found. Additional information regarding the post may be obtained from prof. dr. Vitalij Novickij, e-mail: vitalij.novickij@vilniustech.lt

Programme structure

The PhD programme consists of:
· Independent research under supervision;
· Courses for PhD students (approximately 30 ECTS credits);
· Participation in research networks, including placements at other, primarily foreign, research institutions;
· Teaching or another form of knowledge dissemination, which is related to the PhD topic when possible;
· The completion of a PhD thesis.

Apply now! Spring semester 2023/24
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Dec 2023
Apply now! Spring semester 2023/24
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Dec 2023